Wammies Winners In! Funk Parade Up Next!

That's A Wrap to The 2022 Wammie Awards!Photography by Louis Tinsley | Set Design by Walter Atta(Washington, D.C.) - The 2022 Wammie Awards, the DMV region’s premier music awards show, was an industry success this year as The MusicianShip hosted over 500 guests at Capital Turnaround in SE, DC. Hosted by ABC7 & The Washington Wizard’s own:
Britt Waters, the aisles were filled with the DMV’s favorite music industry collaboratives who have made The Wammie Awards a lasting regional staple for the last 35 years.
VIEW THE 2022 Wammie Awards Winners
With public nominations launched on December 1st and public voting ending on January 31st, over 100 regional music industry judges scored over 345 finalists to determine the region’s winners. On March 26th, the DMV music community united at The Wammies to reveal more than 55 Award winners celebrating 2021 music releases spanning over 25 musical genres and community impact awards.
Gracing The Wammies stage this year live, after 2 years of virtual programming due to Covid-19, guests were out of their seats for Latin Pop Opener JChris (Sponsored by Mars Arts DC/WPA), Flowerbomb (‘21 Rock Album Winner), Strathmore AIR Trio (Sponsored by Strathmore), Brandon Showell (Sponsored by Levine Music - ‘20 Pop Wammie Winner) & Headliner Rochelle Rice (Sponsored by OCTFME).
This year’s audience hosted more than familiar faces including Director of OCTFME: Angie Gates, WUSA9 Correspondents: Ellen Bryan & Reese Waters, President & CEO of Washington Performing Arts: Jenny Bilfield, and Managing Partner of PRS Guitars: Paul Reed Smith. The MusicianShip also introduced their new Executive Director and CEO, Eric Liley, seasoned TV and Music Industry veteran and Managing Partner at Buoyant Partners Inc. Notable media outlets such as District Fray, WUSA9, and ABC7, to name a few, were in attendance to capture the event's experience.
Local music fans enjoyed perks like complimentary drinks from Tito’s Handmade Vodka, photo-ops with Whole Armor Security’s step and repeat, and one lucky guest even won tickets to a Capital City Go-Go game with another winning an amazing Standard SE Vintage Cherry Guitar via Silent Auction thanks to PRS Guitars & Chuck Levin's Washington Music Center!
At The Wammie’s Media Mezzanine, more than 35 journalists were granted private access to notable winners including Best Go-Go Artist/Group: DC’s own The Chuck Brown Band, Best R&B Artist/Group: MuMu Fresh, Educator Award: BJ Simmons of Stuart Hobson Middle School, Best Rap Artist/Group: Nia Monaé, Best Venue Award: The Birchmere, Best Hard Rock Album: Crashing Atlas, Best Country/Americana Album: Annie Stokes, thanks to The PR Alliance.
“Bringing The Wammie Awards to Southeast DC this year was our main goal and step forward in bringing more arts opportunities and events East of the River as we continue to watch the DMV grow its footprint in the global music industry.
Our efforts each year are to award those who are consistently making positive contributions right at home while we make a difference for the artists & musicians of tomorrow. I’m proud to say our 2022 Awards Show did just that and more by raising close to $4,000 for The MusicianShip to return our Summer Programs in person this year.
Thank You, DMV!” -Jessica F. Teachey, Senior Director of Community Engagement.
And The Music Doesn’t Stop Here! Join The DC Funk Parade Festival on Historic U. Street!In addition to the Wammie Awards,
The MusicianShip oversees the DC Funk Parade! The DC Funk Parade is returning and soon rebranding in 2023 as the DC Funk Festival with the help of sponsors like Chuck Levin's Washington Music Center, TMobile, Tito’s Handmade Vodka, the Ben’s Chili Bowl Foundation, Meridian Public Charter School, District Bridges, ANC1B, and more!From April 30th to May 7th, come enjoy The MusicianShip’s annual celebration of ‘Black Broadway’ and the unifying community that adorns the U. St. Corridor!
To stay updated, follow us on Instagram at @dcfunkparade and visit our website, FunkParade.com.The Wammie Awards programming is provided by The MusicianShip, a D.C.-based nonprofit that is focused on ‘Changing Lives with Music’. Proceeds from the Wammie Awards help support The MusicianShip’s free-of-charge music programs that serve nearly 2000 youth and continues to be a resource for local D.C. artists and musicians.
In addition to the Wammie Awards, The MusicianShip oversees the DC Funk Parade and The Washington Youth Choir.More information can be found at WammiesDC.org.